DOCTAILOR For the future

DOCTAILOR For the future

What is Doctalior?

DocTailor is a unique self customizing smart legal contract platform, that allows, lawyers, individuals and organizations to send and create legal tailor-made smart contracts and agreements on the blockchain without developer experience. DocTailor’s mission is to lay the foundations for this new economy by enabling non-crypto businesses to fully utilise blockchain technology, while simultaneously encouraging the acceleration of crypto-business.The DocTailor platform will enable all users, regardless of developer experience, to deploy legal documents with an integrated smart contract feature. The technology’s aim is to create a new ecosystem designed to demonstrate ways in which blockchain advancements can be utilised in the legal industry.

DocTailor problem

Blockchain technology remains relatively new and still to be found concept; a fact that is partially responsible for the current low level of acceptance observed. Many companies and 
Consumers are still not fully comprehensible and blockchain has become a controversial issue, although many clear benefits that such technology promises to be given.However, some areas of blockchain are more acceptable than others. For example, research shows that the idea of ​​storing personal data in blockchains is by no means the year of widespread adoption, and many believe it would take about 10 years for this to be the most important practice. The public is, however, somewhat open-minded about smart contracts in blockchain, where this technological calculation is estimated to be the current practice in 5 years. 

The Solution

DocTailor has been introduced as a viable long term solution to issues hindering the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. Focusing on a highlighted flaw of existing smart contract applications — user experience — DocTailor enables easy access to blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contracts. The platform will support third party API integration, allowing for any customised smart contracts to be incorporated into third party systems. The notion is simple: to make it easy and straightforward for businesses to create and deploy smart contracts while benefiting from the cryptocurrency economy.


Based on the characteristics and advantages of DocTailor, it is clear that the platform has the necessary functions and, most importantly, the unique selling point (USP) to achieve its goal of a revolution in the existing smart contract landscape. The platform A special focus on user experience and accessibility makes DocTailor the most suitable candidate to currently disrupt existing system contracts.
The success of DocTailor, however, is strongly dependent on the greater acceptance of blockchain, not only from individuals, but also from legal organizations and professionals. As a tailoring platform, there is a dependence on users to work on creating DocTailor data. However, the adoption of blockchain would increase in the coming years, with more than half of executives claiming that their company will be in a 'significant' position loss for future competitors if they do not use blockchain. 

Docs tokensale

DOCT tokens give users access to create smart tailor-made legal documents on the DocTailor platform. Every token provides users with “DocTime” which can be used to create contracts, agreements for use in over 100 different industries. Token holder can either convert Doctailor pokens rewards to DOCT or ETH. 5% of total revenue derived from the platform is allocated to all DOCT token holders every quarter.Token users are awarded bonuses.
500M (500,000,000) DOCT, of which:
  • 300M to be available in tokensale.
  • 50M are reserved for ICO bonuses.
  • 100M retained by DocTailor.
  • 50M are reserved for early adopters in PRESALE
  • Etherum ERC20
  • Purchase methods accepted: BTC and ETH (1ETH = 2700 DOCT tokens)
For more information about Doctailor ICO access the link whitepaper and Doctailor.

Author: The Clay


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