Persona is a blockchain based identity management solution that allows individuals to easily update data to third parties or to reduce efforts by corporate clients that keep their data up-to-date.
Persona uses ARCH Blockchain technology and other advanced technologies to provide secure and complete identity solutions. This product complies with DSGVO requirements and provides a secure way to store, share and process data.
Persona is designed as a decentralized app without a single point of failure and stores all encrypted records. Individuals have control over the details of the details they want to share, with whom they share and for how long. With the launch of Bitcoin at the end of 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto provided insights into the technology behind his blockchain decentralization.
The main goals of Persona are:
Use the identity of individual management services based on blockchain technology.
To protect individual personal details. While it is clear that individuals need to provide details to different entities, they have no control over them afterwards. Persona brings people back to the driver's seat.
Empower everyone and give them power over what they share and with whom, when it comes to their personal identity and details.
Third parties who are allowed to work with personal data can enrich their services by offering trust as a service
In order to prevent false news, provided by a decentralized identity management system, Persona will provide the level of trust we all need when we rely on news Based on the creators of the public profile of everyone, we can keep track of the news to the source. .
To optimize the onboarding process, as some of the listed entities may have been checked in the system.
Key points of Blockchain technology:
Replace intermediaries: No need of a trusted site involving both parties in the transaction is trustworthy.
Decentralization: There is no single point of failure when it is almost impossible to attack the network.
Inability: Notes written in Blockchain exist forever, can not be changed.
Persona uses the Blockchain feature, which allows companies to offer KYC services to third parties and benefit from their respective services. Review The process has two levels: Community and Professional KYC.
KYC persona type
The first level is represented by people whose identities are examined by colleagues. This is a collaborative effort that encourages people to confirm another identity and confirm the authenticity of the document and the identity of the person requesting the review. The person offering the verification service will be shown on the Persona website. You will be rewarded for verification by accepting PRS. Thresholds for verification are shown below
Instructions are divided into several levels based on the number of reviews. The maximum percentage a person can receive when viewed by the public is 90%. The remaining 10% can only be achieved if the private partner (institution, utility company or company) acknowledges the validity of the data.
Based on their Persona activity and shares, the person who verifies the service for someone else can reach up to 30%. This means that you can only see 3 people who can offer a 30% approval rate to achieve a 90% verification rate.
The list of documents required to deploy KYC is:
Passport or passport or documents issued by the state (original documents)
Copy or record your ID.
A bank statement or bill that proves where you live
The documents are then stored in the IPFS and signed by checkers and checks of both parties on each person's verification. KYC professionals represent the process that individuals experience when engaging entities that require the identity verification process. This entity once.
Architectural Technology (Blockchain Design)
Persona will use Ledger Technology Distributed Technology (Blockchain) to manage user permissions, approval transactions, and credentials. We will use our own blockchain called "The Persona Blockchain", which has the following characteristics:
DPOS blockchain with 51 branches of capchain ark (
Blockchain will be publicly available and provide interoperability with other blockfains through Smart Bridges. Smart Bridge allows blockchains to communicate between interconnected information and vice versa.
Persona will natively integrate solutions at blockchain levels, such as IPFS, which will free documents and files between users.
Case Persona DSGVO
GDPR is a European law that aims to strengthen, standardize and compensate for data protection for all people at the European level. He was elected and adopted in April 2016 with a two-year transition period commencing on 25 May 2018.
Possible consequences of non-compliance with GDPR for companies are:
Position and fame risk - Implementing DSGVO's rules and obligations to inform the authorities of data breaches will increase prosecution. The first concerns the market position and reputation of the compromised company.
Geographical Risk - The new rules apply to all companies and organizations offering goods and / or services to the EU market or monitoring the behavior of EU citizens to provide goods and / or services. Here's also all of the company's analytics data included
Sanctions - For companies that fail to comply with GDPR's new provisions, significant penalties of up to 4% of annual global turnover or € 20 million, whichever is greater, will be imposed.
Token calendar / sales plan
Personal Sale: 15.12.2017-15.01.2018
General Sales I: 23.01.2018-30.01.2018
General sales II: 01.02.2018-08.02.2017
General sales III: 09.02.2017-16.02.2018
Token Distribution: 30.03.2018
People token (PRS)
The number of tokens set will be 100,000,000 PRS. The price for the PRS token is $ 0.2. The total allocation for 100 000 000 PRS is:
70,000,000 PRS will be assigned to TGE. 15.000.000 PRS allocated to the team of its founders. The token assigned to the team is held for a period of three years, divided into the following annual payments:
10% in Genesis;
30% after 12 months
30% after 24 months
30% after 36 months
12,000,000 PRS assigned to Dana Persona's Startup
1,000,000 PRS will be allocated to the consultant. The token assigned to the advisor should be used within 6 months
2,000,000 PRS allocated for the prize
TGE is allocated 70,000,000 PRS, which is divided into three stages:
Persona will spread their own blockchain, called The Persona Blockchain which has the following characteristics:
The blockchain DPOS with 51 branch delegates from the Ark 
Blockchain blockchain will be public and will display interoperability with other blocks via Smart Bridges 
Persona will integrate natively, at the blockchain level, solutions like IPFS to share documents and files between users. 
The Persona web component is built using the following technologies:
NodeJS (for server side) 
React (for front-end) 
Onboarding and Data Transfer
Users of onboarding are their first interaction with Persona. Onboarding will be done face to face, by a notary. When a document between two individuals using Persona is issued, the notary can make a hash from the content and publish it in the Persona block. 
Persona Token
The PRS token is a utility token used by the platform so that it can issue verification. Verification prices will differ based on the complexity of verification. 
Token Allocation

PRS 70,000,000 allocated for TGE 
15,000,000 allocated to the PRS is composed of the founder 
12,000,000 PRS allocated to Fund a Startup Persona 
1,000,000 PRS allocated to counsel 
1,500,000 PRS allocated for prizes 
500,000 allocated to the escrow service PRS 
There 70,000,000 PRS allocated to TGE, divided into one three-stage Personal Sales and General Sales, as described below:

Use of Proceedings 
Funds collected will be used for a period of at least three years, spread into the following categories:
Software development 
Legal costs 
Business development 
Audit procedures and arrangements for legalized notary systems 
The revenue split for the first three years is planned as follows:


Persona Advisor

Persona Partners

Events and Awards

For more details and joining the social media project of Pesona at this time please follow some sources for the following references:

Author: The Clay

My Bintcointlak Profile Link:;u=1814446

My Eth Address: 0x813982bEad48B1E61DE951D3d08b3b2d118Ca1d8


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